Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Bomomo is a free draw website that you can choose different tools to paint with, it is painting on STEROIDS. It is really cool to use, I had fun using this website and I will probably use this in the future if I need an art piece.

Canva, AMERICA in ONE picture

Canva is a website that lets you create a design of your own, the only problem with this website is you have to pay for most of the pictures that you can use. If I want to make a poster or design in the future, I will most likely use this website.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Pictochart is a website for infographics, it is very fun to use, and informative. You can create your own infographic and put whatever you want on it, any topic you can think of. I had fun using this website and I hope I get to use it again.

Friday, April 25, 2014


The best thing that I've learned in this class was probably Photoshop, it was the funnest topic to learn and I had fun doing it. I learned more about Photoshop than I thought I knew, I took the computer graphics class in which we used Photoshop a lot, but that was my first semester of my freshman year. I learned a lot but I kind of forgot some stuff, that I relearned in Emerging Tech. I wish that I could learn more about Zooburst, I thought that website was really cool and we didn't spend much time on it as much as I wanted.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Pixton Comic

Pixton is a website that lets you create a comic about anything you want, there are props, backgrounds, characters, and all sorts of things you can do to create a comic of your own.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Voki is a website that lets you create a character that you can create, you can edit things like their mouth, hair, clothes, etc. You can type a script for the avatar to say for you and you can change the voice of the person, from english to Chinese. Its very user friendly and was fun to use, I will probably use this website in the future!

QR Stuff

A QR code is a barcode that stands for Quick Response, people have to download an app that lets them scan the code, and it takes you quickly to a website within seconds. It could be a quick easy way for people to advertise things so people can easily see their product or thing they are advertising. QR stuff is a website that lets you choose the website that the QR code goes to, you can change the color of the code also.